Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Denny's Delight

Wow, this is by far Dan's best meal yet. I love Denny's, but there are still things available on the menu I would never order. Danny, however, managed to order two things of which I approve wholeheartedly.

I am greatly pleased that Dan will drink milkshakes nowadays, and downright tickled that he is experiencing cravings for them. That is basically how I feel, all the time: like I want a milkshake. He should realize that their viscosity is what makes them good, and that they taste like melted ice cream and that melted ice cream is something which is undeniably delicious. I must find out what variety of shake he got.

Mozzarella sticks: I approve of these even more. There was definitely a time in my life where large quantities of melted cheese grossed me out, but thankfully my love of anything fried enabled me to always enjoy mozzarella sticks. I mention this, though, because my mother also has this occasional aversion to too much melted cheese, so when I think of picky eaters (Dan), I sort of assume that he should dislike lots of melted cheese. This logic isn't entirely sound. It definitely has to do with the texture, but apparently this is a texture that is not difficult for Daniel to deal with. Either way, this is the type of meal I would have for every meal of my life, if I could.

Also, I believe that Dan should stubbornly refuse to admit that the restaurant is known as Denny's, and instead refer to it only as Danny's.

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