Saturday, July 7, 2007

A Cuban Day.

i do not know what the hell pizza cubano is. it sounds impossible, to me. pizza is of italian nature. what twist have the cubans come up with to justify calling it cubano? i hope that someone will let me know ASAP.

apricot nectar: YUM. good choice, dan. i definitely like almost all kinds of nectar, though i definitely have my favorites, which include but are not limited to mango and peach. it is something i bought regularly at windex, in my miami days.

steak sandwiches don't really appeal to me, but seeing as dan is from philly, maybe he likes them for that reason. plus, he's a boy, and boys seem to like these things.

dan did not really eat dinner. he had three slices of pizza at almost midnight, and had gone almost 8 hours since he last ate, and the last thing he'd eaten was just a single piece of candy. i think maybe dan is underfed, and when he does get food, it seems to be junk. i am concerned, definitely.


Stephan said...

nectar blows

spook魚 said...

Pizza Cubano is just Cuban pizza. It generally seems to have twice the cheese and grease of a normal pizza. It also has a softer crust. It is quite similar to the pizza you may have purchased from your high school during lunch time.

spook魚 said...


i haven't had any food today and it is approaching 6:00! i do need to get on a better eating schedule.

Hilary said...

nectar she blows

Hilary said...

aka shit pizza

yeah, better schedule, and eat some veggies on that shitpizza