Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Daniel has Risen

I'm pretty excited we are all getting in on the grocery story sampling.

I admire Dan's fashion of eating brownie bites: 2 per snack. This is undeniably chaste, and I could definitely not limit myself to only a pair of them, if I had somehow made the mistakes of 1) being around brownie bites and 2) allowing myself to begin consumption of them.

When Daniel awoke today he decided to have his mom's leftovers, and some fruit-stuffs. Most of you know about my general distaste for seafood, and this pizza definitely qualifies as something that I would Not Eat. Also, scampi is a really crappy word, and I think it just means "with some butter shit." Actually, I looked up scampi and it means shrimp, basically. I found some interesting stuff about it, seen here.

Dan, please go back in time and eat a peach instead of that single cherry (why D. Ross only ate one cherry, I am not aware). This way, when you listed the items, there would be a peach, a plum, and a pear nectar, and we all know where I am going with this.

It doesn't surprise me that Dan's favenectar is pear, because I think this is one of the crappier flavors and in general it seems that Danny's and my tastes are completely divergent.

10th of Jew-Lie

I really didn't realize there was such a difference between v8 and tomato juice. v8 is good; i used to get it from the c-store in miami and can remember one specific instance drinking it on my way back down the path, at sunset, to my old room in that dorm, whatever it was called, with audrey. dan's talk about 'certain tastebuds' sounds like crazy talk. maybe he is a super-taster, after all. whatever, the main point is that i'm just happy it wasn't clamato.

cold garlic roll is :( but whatever i've learned to accept these things from dan now. i'm just happy he's eating and it's not clamato.

oh, cpk, yum. i would like some pizza. usually when i go to cpk i order this fusilli, though. i will only eat certain pasta shapes and fusilli is one of them. it seems suspect that dan's mother suggested indian but then backed out of it once his interest was piqued.

this post blows tonight but i am pretty tired, so what-ev-er