Saturday, July 7, 2007


Dan did not eat today until 8:00 pm, and then it was just a measly sandwich, which I find unacceptable. I want to know the reasons for this. Dan may not notice being hungry all that often but he is 21 years old now, and I think that he should know that he should be eating throughout the day. Even worse, Dan was not alone today. Someone should have stepped up and fed him.

Secondly, I do not approve of TGI Friday's. That said, I might be lenient in judging the Tuscan chicken sandwich; said leniency is based entirely on the fact that the word Tuscan is preceding chicken sandwich.

I am really disappointed in Dan for not eating the pepper soup. What did he think it was going to be like? And why, upon discovering that it was not to his liking, did he not order something else, since the previously mentioned sandwich was not "completely filling"?

I am wondering why Dan ate two tums. For the benefits of the calcium? Because he was hungry? Or maybe he had a tummy-ache? Tums disgust me, unless they are the fruity kind.

Despite my numerous critiques (most of which are based on the fact that I care about Daniel Ross and wish he would eat more/more often/better), this has probably been his best blog entry yet. I relished hearing the details of his ingenious mayo test, and was amused by the self-consciousness he is feeling, when ordering, as a result of "the growing popularity" of his blog.

A Cuban Day.

i do not know what the hell pizza cubano is. it sounds impossible, to me. pizza is of italian nature. what twist have the cubans come up with to justify calling it cubano? i hope that someone will let me know ASAP.

apricot nectar: YUM. good choice, dan. i definitely like almost all kinds of nectar, though i definitely have my favorites, which include but are not limited to mango and peach. it is something i bought regularly at windex, in my miami days.

steak sandwiches don't really appeal to me, but seeing as dan is from philly, maybe he likes them for that reason. plus, he's a boy, and boys seem to like these things.

dan did not really eat dinner. he had three slices of pizza at almost midnight, and had gone almost 8 hours since he last ate, and the last thing he'd eaten was just a single piece of candy. i think maybe dan is underfed, and when he does get food, it seems to be junk. i am concerned, definitely.